25 SMART EMERGENCY LIFE HACKS: you can make a face mask by your hands.

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We prepared a collection of brilliant lifehacks that will help you to keep warm in winter, to avoid flue and unexpected uses panty liners.
It’s a flu season now and it’s better to wear face masks to prevent getting the flu. If you don’t have a mask at the moment, but everybody around the office seems to be ill, you can make a face mask by your hands. Take a tissue and rubber bands then watch the tutorial we share! If you need to make a bowl for noodles, you can make it out of a paper plate and plastic forks. If it’s rainy outside and you don’t have a raincoat, you can easily make it out of a trash bag. Another cool lifehack is to make home slippers out of a cardboard box.
Here is a collection of surprising uses of such an ordinary thing as panty liners: transform panty liners into emergency flip flops; forget about annoying sweat stains and stick a panty liner to the sports jacket; if you need insoles to get warm, use sanitary pads; use a panty liner to wash out a makeup; make a night mask out of a sanitary pad; use panty liners to hide camel toe when you wear leggings.
Winter is a magic time but sometimes it could be very cold and you need to know some brilliant hacks. Check out a collection of winter life hacks that will keep you warm and survive during the cold weather. Attach synthetic winterizer to the inner part of your pants to keep your legs warm during long walks. Use cooking spray if the snow sticks to the shovel. The spray will prevent snow from sticking and you don’t need to clean it every 5 minutes. Do you need a winter hat? Simply cut your old sweater and watch the tutorial. Cut your socks to make comfortable mittens.

00:16 How to prevent a flu
01:35 DIY raincoat
06:40 Brilliant winter hacks
06:57 DIY winter pants
07:45 A winter hat out of a sweater

**CAUTION: It is so important  to always remember that it is important to use a SURGICAL FACE MASK inside of these covers. If you make a face mask out of fabric, without the surgical mask inside, it is NOT to be used for medical purposes!! It’s so important to keep that in mind!! Regular fabrics do not prevent germs from going through the fabric

Aviso sobre las mascarillas:

las MASCARILLAS QUIRÚRGICAS, Tienen como finalidad evitar la transmisión de agentes infecciosos por parte de la persona que la lleva. Están diseñadas de dentro hacia fuera para evitar la diseminación de microorganismos normalmente presentes en la boca, nariz o garganta y evitar así la contaminación de otros. Pero esas mascarillas no impiden que se inhalen bacterias o partículas de virus suspendidas en el aire.

** PRECAUCIÓN: Es muy importante recordar siempre  usar una MÁSCARA FACIAL QUIRÚRGICA dentro de estas cubiertas. Si hace una mascarilla de tela, sin la mascarilla quirúrgica adentro, ¡NO debe usarse con fines médicos! ¡Es muy importante tener eso en cuenta! Las telas regulares no evitan que los gérmenes pasen a través de la tela.


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