Inspired by Bellevue, the oldest public hospital in America, this unique medical drama follows the brilliant and charming Dr. Max Goodwin, the institution's newest medical director, who sets out to tear up the bureaucracy and provide exceptional care. How can he help? Well, the doctors and staff have heard this before. Not taking “no” for an answer, Dr. Goodwin must disrupt the status quo and prove he will stop at nothing to breathe new life into this understaffed, underfunded and underappreciated hospital - the only one in the world capable of treating Ebola patients, prisoners from Rikers and the president of the United States under one roof - and return it to the glory that put it on the map.
Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) ha sido designado como nuevo Director médico del ‘’New Amsterdam’’, el hospital público más antiguo de los Estados Unidos. Desde su llegada, no tardará en tomar decisiones radicales para mejorar la atención a los pacientes -personas infectadas por el ébola, presidiarios y hasta el presidente de los EEUU- con la poca financiación con la que cuenta.
Inspirado en Bellevue, el hospital público más antiguo de América, este drama médico sigue al brillante y encantador Dr. Max Goodwin, el nuevo director médico de la institución que se propone acabar con la burocracia y brindar una atención excepcional.
Getting into character for an actor is a deeply personal act. So it's not really a surprise that playing a character that's contending with a terminal illness can make a person reflect. Ryan Eggold, who plays Dr. Max Goodwin on NBC's new hit drama "New Amsterdam," opened up about reflecting on life and death.